There is some good news for the UAB Blazers football program and their fans.
On Wednesday, university president Ray Watts announced that a vote will be held on June 1 to determine whether the school will reinstate the football program.
The announcement comes after a report that showed UAB wasn’t losing money like initially anticipated and the school will be looking to see if it is reasonable to bring the program back.
Watts addressed the issue in an email to the students, faculty and staff.
You can read the full email, via College Football Talk.
Students, faculty and staff,
As you likely know, we are anticipating receipt on May 15 of the College Sports Solutions (CSS) review, commissioned by the Athletic Assessment Task Force, of what CSS projects it would cost to invest adequately in our current athletics programs and reinstate and support football, rifle and bowling programs at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
The Task Force was also charged with determining what financial resources are needed beyond what UAB has previously committed to its athletic programs in order to reinstate a consistently successful football program and to determine if external, private funding exists to sustain such an effort.
Again, the report is due May 15, 2015. The UAB senior leadership team will be consulting with various stakeholders within the UAB community. We will consider the report’s findings, along with other important, valuable and mission-critical data, in order to make the best decision for UAB going forward, guided by our vision, mission and strategic plan.
We plan to make an announcement by June 1. This announcement will be made via our website, social media channels and by email when an official decision has been reached.
With best wishes,
Ray L. Watts
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