An application known for being the hotspot destination for locals to take part in MA-rated activities, Tinder took offense in an article by Nancy Jo Sales, a psychologist who composes pieces for Vanity Fair. In fact, Tinder is so appalled by Sales’s choice to refer to the dating app as the responsible lonewolf for the “dating apocalypse” that they conducted several journal entries on Twitter worth 31 pages.
Sales’s induced vomit of moral code on the “Tinder Generation” mocks the user base as the catalyst in creating more short-term relationships and divorces. Furthermore, Tinder’s rebuttal outlined a softer, more chivalrous tone by adopting the facts of a diverse demographic, including a woman from Pakistan and citizens of North Korea and China, where social media is frowned upon.
Backlashes against Vanity Fair include insulting Sales’s credibility and close-mindedness towards the symbolism behind Tinder:
It's disappointing that @VanityFair thought that the tiny number of people you found for your article represent our entire global userbase 😏
— Tinder (@Tinder) August 11, 2015
Next time reach out to us first @nancyjosales… that’s what journalists typically do.
— Tinder (@Tinder) August 11, 2015
The Tinder Generation is real. Our users are creating it. But it’s not at all what you portray it to be.
— Tinder (@Tinder) August 11, 2015
Tinder creates experiences. We create connections that otherwise never would have been made. 8 billion of them to date, in fact.
— Tinder (@Tinder) August 11, 2015
Tinder users are on Tinder to meet people for all kinds of reasons. Sure, some of them — men and women — want to hook up.
— Tinder (@Tinder) August 11, 2015
Dissolving the animosity towards Sales for the sake of brevity, Tinder undergoes a transformation and a bizarre tangent in its comments, solidifying Tinder’s core values and its own existence:
Talk to the many Tinder couples — gay and straight — that have gotten married after meeting on Tinder.
— Tinder (@Tinder) August 11, 2015
Or talk to people that have made some of their best friends on Tinder.
— Tinder (@Tinder) August 11, 2015
We love ALL of these #SwipedRight stories. Tinder is simply how people meet.
— Tinder (@Tinder) August 11, 2015
Depicting the reason for the rabbling by Tinder can be as simplistic as general impulsivity or as sophisticated as this…
@Tinder this reminds me when women tell a dude on tinder they aren't interested and he goes on an unhinged rant.
— Goose Of War (@yer_conscience) August 12, 2015
To see the rest of the one-sided conversation Tinder had on Twitter, click here.