WWE Night of Champions: Previews and predictions

WWE Night of Champions has long been looked at as one of the lesser pay-per-views in the WWE. Not many people enjoyed it as it was billed as “every title being on the line.” While that is true, the rest of the card is filler as there are only five major titles in the company now. Will Sting make history as he has his first title match in WWE history? Or will Seth Rollins be able to overcome the odds and escape with both of his championships?

WWE Kickoff show: The Ascension and Stardust vs The Lucha Dragons and Neville

Stardust and Neville have quietly had one of the best feuds of the summer that really shows creativity isn’t dead in the WWE. They booked Stardust as the heelish bad guy, while Neville was playing the comic book superhero. It even led to Stephen Amell, AKA Arrow, making his long-awaited appearance on a WWE show. This match should be fairly entertaining with two of the most underrated tag teams in to support Neville and Stardust. WWE is really going for that comic book feel and the good guys always win.

Winners: Neville and The Lucha Dragons

Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev w/ Summer Rae

PLEASE, can we let this stupid feud die already? It has literally been a high school lovers’ quarrel and I am sick and tired of it. With Lana out after legitimately injuring her wrist and the new love triangle beginning between Rusev, Summer, and Dolph, it’s pretty obvious where the WWE is going with this. Summer Rae is going to “accidentally” cost Rusev the match, which ultimately leads to Ziggler getting the girl after taking a much-needed heel turn. For Rusev, however, he will probably take a face turn and be forever trapped in midcard hell.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and a mystery partner

People have been speculating for weeks about who the third man for Reigns and Ambrose is. Will it be Randy Orton? Will it be Kane? Will it be Erick Rowan? I hope it’s none of those three. Personally, I’d love for it to be Baron Corbin from NXT, but that is really a longshot right now. In any matter, I think the final partner is going to be a shock, but it probably won’t be enough to finally end this feud. Either the Wyatts win in some heelish fashion, the match has no ending at all, or there’s a heel turn on the side of the former SHIELD. In any case, expect for this feud to last well into the fall.

Winners: Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Braun Strowman

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Ryback (c) vs Kevin Owens

Owens was kind of just thrown into this match two weeks ago because the WWE needed Ryback to defend the title and nobody wanted to see him against Big Show or Miz again. I don’t think Owens has had enough build to walk out with the title just yet, but it is going to happen. Ryback may get the win, but Owens will get the last laugh.

Winner: Ryback

WWE Tag Team Championship: The New Day (c) vs The Dudley Boyz

Fans were filled with nostalgia when the Dudley Boyz made their return to the WWE a few weeks ago in New York City, their hometown. Unfortunately, their first title match in a very long time will not end in their favor. They have already gotten justice by putting one of the New Day through a table and it’s hard to believe that it will happen again. But don’t worry, the Dudleys will get another shot. This team will get their tenth title reign and assure their spot in the WWE Hall of Fame.

Winners: The New Day

WWE Divas Championship: Nikki Bella (c) vs Charlotte

Nikki Bella can lose this title by getting disqualified or counted out, which is the ultimate move to pull on the biggest heel. While Nikki isn’t that big of a heel, it’s still crazy to think that she will remain champion tonight, right? Wrong. WWE has been teasing a Paige heel turn for sometime and it has to happen tonight. Paige is going to cost Charlotte her match tonight and start a feud that more fans will care about in the end. This also opens up the door for “The Boss” Sasha Banks to take the title from Nikki. That’s what we all want, right?

Winner: Nikki Bella

WWE United States Championship: Seth Rollins (c) vs John Cena

There’s really no reason why Rollins should walk out with the US Championship tonight. It would look good for him if he did, but Cena really brought something to the title that hasn’t been there in a long time. Having that title around Cena’s waist does something for the midcard that nobody else can bring. Cena wins this title and either gets right into a feud with someone else or goes on another run of defending it every Monday night.

Winner: John Cena

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Seth Rollins (c) vs Sting

WWE has been building this up as Sting’s chance to get the one championship that has eluded him for thirty years. There is no reason why he won’t win this match tonight. However, I don’t believe that Sting will actually leave the arena with the title. There’s no reason to have Sting hold the title for an extended period of time. Sting is already a bonafide Hall of Famer, so he doesn’t need anymore validation than just winning the title. If Money in the Bank winner Sheamus doesn’t cash in tonight, I’d be very surprised, but, I’d also expect him to do it tomorrow night on Raw.

Winner: Sting

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*Featured Photo (above) credit to WWE

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