As covered by CNN Money’s Chris Isidore, a New York lawmaker is instituting a law mandating higher salaries for NFL cheerleaders.
The proposed legislation is a follow-up to a 2014 lawsuit by the Buffalo Jills complaining about lack of compensation outside of complimentary game tickets and parking passes. Allegedly, the Buffalo Jills had a 2014-15 income of – I quote – $100. That price tag doesn’t include promotional appearances or time practicing under the summer sun.
The New York law will cater to only the professional organizations within the state, however the California Senate is in a similar proceeding.
In 2014, a member of the Raiderettes (the Oakland Raiders affiliate cheer squad), sued in reason pertaining to earning $5 an hour, while not owed an allowance on- or off-the-field.
An infraction occurs if the cheerleaders fail to meet certain expectations (i.e. uncoordinated pom poms or weight gain). As a result, an individual will pay a $10 or more fine.
According to monetary conditions in the Raiderette’s contract, they’re obligated to receive $125/home game or allotted $1,250 for all 16 games.
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*Featured Photo (above) credit to Marcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press