A bombshell report dropped on Wednesday morning, indicating Ohio State football coach Urban Meyer lied about his knowledge of previous domestic violence allegations against former wide receiver coach Zach Smith, who was recently fired from the Buckeyes. Former ESPN college football insider Brett McMurphy wrote a lengthy post on Facebook detailing text messages he obtained that appear to indicate Meyer knew about the allegations.
According to the messages, Smith’s ex-wife Courtney Smith and Meyer’s wife, Shelley, also discussed the assistant coach’s violence.
From Brett McMurphy on Facebook:
Text messages I have obtained, an exclusive interview with the victim and other information I have learned shows Ohio State coach Urban Meyer knew in 2015 of domestic abuse allegations against a member of his coaching staff.
Courtney Smith, ex-wife of fired Ohio State assistant coach Zach Smith, provided text messages between her and the wives of Ohio State coaches – including Urban Meyer’s wife, Shelley – shows Meyer’s knowledge of the situation.
McMurphy continued to expand on his knowledge of the messages, indicating that Meyer was not the only coach on the staff to know of the allegations.
However, text messages I have obtained sent from Courtney Smith, Meyer’s wife Shelley; and other Ohio State coaches’ wives show Urban Meyer and a number of Ohio State assistant coaches were aware of Smith’s domestic violence issues for several years.
Courtney said Shelley Meyer, Urban’s wife of nearly three decades, knew about the abuse that begin in 2009, continued in 2015 and culminated with Zach Smith being served a domestic violence civil protection order last week.
Courtney said she and Shelly often discussed Zach’s domestic violence.
It is a horrible look for Meyer, with McMurphy even sharing an alleged text message from his wife to Zach Smith’s ex-wife offering support and suggesting that Courtney got a restraining order against the wide receiver coach, also indicating that there was photo evidence of the alleged abuse.
The text exchange read:
Shelley: “I am with you! A lot of women stay hoping it will get better. I don’t blame you! But just want u to be safe. Do you have a restraining order? He scares me”
Courtney: “Restraining orders don’t do anything in Ohio-I tried to get protection order which is what started this whole investigation. And that should go through soon finally. It’s hard bc you have to prove immediate danger. Legal system is tough. Basically you have to prove he will kill u to get protective order”
Shelley: “Geesh! Even w the pics? Didn’t law enforcement come to your place ever??”
The photos can be seen below.
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This seems like a story that won’t be going away anytime soon. And if Urban Meyer did know about the abuse but covered for his assistant over the past few years, he should be held accountable for his silence. After all, silence enables abusive behavior and college football should be cracking down.