NHL increases salary cap to $71.4M for 2015-16 season

After a salary cap for the 2014-15 NHL season was established at $69 million, the league and the NHLPA agreed to a $2.4 million spike to $71.4 million for 2015-16. The ceiling of $71.4 million is counteracted with the lowest limit (the cap floor) of $54.8 million.

Seven teams have already met a surplus of over $64 million in cap space for player contracts concerning next season: Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Tampa Bay, Montreal and Vancouver.

Below are the top three and bottom three in the categories of total salaries and cap space (numbers heading into the 2015-16 season).

Total Salaries (hi to lo)
$76,683,333 (Blackhawks)
$70,570,238 (Lightning)
$69,326,190 (Flyers)

Total Salaries (lo to hi)
$34,726,944 (Coyotes)
$46,845,000 (Predators)
$46,911,865 (Sabres)

Cap Space (hi to lo)
$34,205,558 (Coyotes)
$31,044,526 (Predators)
$29,314,645 (Sabres)

Cap Space (lo to hi)
$2,004,405 (Flyers)
$3,512,027 (Lightning)
$4,925,000 (Canadiens)

General Fanager allows you to scope out each team (and its players) salary profiles. It’s a rather useful tool to stay in hindsight for the upcoming season. No harm in planning ahead, right?

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*Featured Photo (above) credit to USA TODAY Sports

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