Lululemon craft beer is the best idea ever

Forget the high-priced wheatgrass-infused shenanigans you think you’re supposed to be downing after a yoga session.

Nothing–and speaking from experience, I mean nothing–beats a post-vinyasa beer.

Think this sounds nuts? Lululemon sure as heck doesn’t, which is why I nearly backflipped out of my mountain pose upon hearing that the brand famous for its yogiwear is teamed up with Stanley Park Brewing to release a special edition craft beer.

Per the report by

“The beer, which ties in with Lululemon’s Seawheeze half marathon and Sunset Festival, is flavored with lemon drop and chinook hops. This is a continuation of the partnership between Lululemon and Stanley Park Brewing, which saw the release of the special edition Sunset Strawberry Wit beer last year.”

The article also suggests that this is a way for Lululemon to attract a more male following. But you know that if this beer is anything like their leggings, it will be too top notch for the ladies to resist.

Namaste indeed.

Of course, this seemingly tasty brew is limited edition and it doesn’t sound as though it will be available anywhere outside of Canada just yet. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed–and legs into cross-legged lotus for that matter–that this concoction will find its way into the states.

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*Featured Photo (above) credit to Instagram

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