Ah, Wrestlemania Day, a time when wrestling fans worldwide get to bask in the joy of an event they look forward to annually, only to praise or bash certain matches on the card for reasons X, Y and Z.
This year’s ‘Mania features some matches that have been overhyped from the get-go, especially the main event. Sure, it’s a no-DQ match between heel champion Triple H and forced babyface Roman Reigns, but we all know that it’s going to end with Reigns walking out with the title and then a double turn. Whoop-de-freakin’-do.
That match is just one of many in Wrestlemania history that has been overhyped and trust me, in 32 years of this event happening, there have been plenty of matches that don’t deserve the praise they get.
To name them all would take too long so for the sake of time, here are five Wrestlemania matches that are just plain overrated.