The Oregon football team has long been trailblazers/trend-setters in the uniform world. They drew praise, and quickly grew to be a dominant force in the NCAA ranks as their style matched the results on the scoreboard every Saturday.
However, things haven’t been going so well lately, and the Ducks will look to retool and get back to basics this season.
According to a report on in the Oregonian, the Ducks might be sticking to traditional school colors this year.
They’ll still likely be one of the nicest looking teams on any given Saturday, but they’ll be looking to shift the focus away from the uniforms, and back to the footballing. Following a 4-8 season, the Ducks were often a source of criticism from fans, boosters and commentators due to their perceived lack of focus and poor prioritization.
With a wide-ranging set of hues and tones and a fresh combination every week, Oregon often looked like the rich kid who had the coolest stuff but didn’t know how to use any of it. Meanwhile, the barefoot kids (comparatively) in the neighborhood were running up the score and making a laughing stock out of them.
Kenny Farr, Oregon’s football equipment administrator said was mostly mum on any specifics, though he did say: “we’re not going to go anything out of the traditional Oregon palette. … we have some great stuff coming.”
Oregon fans are hopping Willie Tagart can turn the team around and return them to the prominence they enjoyed under Chip Kelly. Kelly, who will be forever linked to the program, with speculation cropping up about his potential return almost immediately after leaving the program, guided the Ducks to a National Championship and two BCS Bowl victories. He had them looking good and playing good.
That’s what they’re hoping to see in Eugene again this year.
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