Western Kentucky has six current and one former football player currently facing criminal charges from an alleged assault. The incident in question occurred in March outside of a campus fraternity. TMZ has footage of the assault, though be aware it is fairly graphic.
Today it was reported on the Bowling Green Daily News that four of the seven players indicted will face felony assault charges.
They are all being accused of trespassing on the premises of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity on the evening of March 5.
The players who face the most serious charges are: Quinton A. Baker, Xavier D. Lane, Tyler Obee, and Cecil C. Stallings. None of the players involved are older than 20 years, but could face significant jail time if given the maximum penalty.
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Two more current WKU players, Jachour H. Pearson, 19, and Christopher R. Johnson, 21, are each facing criminal trespassing charges. Andrew O’Bryan, who has since transferred to Eastern Kentucky University, faces charges of menacing and third-degree criminal trespass.
All of the current WKU players have been given indefinite suspensions from the university.
In all likelihood, this incident has ended their football playing careers. A long, drawn-out court process will now commence, and even if they are found totally innocent of all crimes, significant amounts of time will have passed.
Whatever their reason was for assaulting this individual, identified earlier as Jerald Armfield, it likely cost them their education.
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