🚨🚨 Helmets Available 🚨🚨
The auction for our Cancer Awareness helmets begins at 8 a.m. today and ends Sunday at 5 p.m.
MORE: https://t.co/v51YA1a8lO pic.twitter.com/iQXbt3GPhi
— Miami Football (@MiamiOHFootball) October 10, 2018
The Miami (OH) football team will be tackling Cancer Awareness Month in a very unique way. For the Redhawks’ game on Saturday, Oct. 13, players will be wearing special helmets with cancer awareness ribbons. Each player will be able to customize their helmet.
There will be nine different helmets to choose from as they pick the ribbon that will symbolize how cancer has impacted their life.
The available ribbons are: red (blood cancer), black (Melanoma), orange (kidney cancer and Leukemia), blue (colon cancer and esophageal cancer), purple (Leiomyosarcoma, pancreatic cancer, and testicular cancer), white (lung cancer), yellow (bladder cancer, Sarcoma/bone cancer), green (liver cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer), and pink (breast cancer).
Fourteen players will wear blue ribbons on the field, 14 will wear purple, 11 have selected yellow, nine picked white, eight chose green and four picked black.
A player-by-player breakdown can be seen here.
In addition, the RedHawks will be auctioning off five of the helmets.
From the release:
Miami Athletics has made these helmets available via an online auction. Check it out HERE.
Five helmets are available through the auction. Bids start at $250 and increase in $25 increments. The auction ends on Sunday (Oct. 14) at 5 p.m. A silent auction for one helmet will be held during Saturday’s game versus Kent State in the southwest corner of Yager Stadium.
Helmets are also available via “Buy Now” at a price of $2,000. These helmets are very limited.
Those that win the auction or purchase the helmets directly will have the option of what colored ribbon they receive on the helmets.
The RedHawks are set to face off against Kent State on Saturday with kickoff set for 2:30 p.m. ET on ESPN+.