LiAngelo & LaMelo Ball's New Coach Sold Meat To Players Out Of The Trunk Of His Car

LiAngelo and LaMelo Ball are preparing to head overseas next month where they will be joining professional Lithuanian basketball club Prienu Vytautas.
Their new coach, Virginijus Seskus, who has been dubbed “The LaVar Ball of Lithuania,” has some interesting stories from players who used to play for him. We have previously seen video of Seskus pulling his team from the court in the middle of a tie game, while others have said the coach refused to play them because of the language barrier.
Well, now we have the most bizarre Virginijus Seskus story yet.
According to former player Billy Baron, who spent one year playing for Seskus, the head coach had an interesting habit of selling meat to his players out of the trunk of his car.

“We’d come out to the parking lot after practices, and Coach was there selling meat to players out of the trunk of his car. Some players actually bought that stuff from him,” Baron recalled, via Bleacher Report.
Another former player, Mike Moser, had some unflattering stories of his own.
“Virginijus Seskus is crazy,” said Moser. “I’m trying to erase that year from my memory. I’ve been around the world—Lithuania, Israel, Kosovo, Italy and Qatar—I had good coaches; he wasn’t one of them. I don’t care if you’re a rookie or a vet, he’s hard to play for.
“He used to get so mad and kick balls in practice. He was always yelling and cursing for no reason, even at the locals. If he coaches the same, those boys LiAngelo and LaMelo will be home within a month.”
To be fair, the Ball brothers are used to their own father acting out and over the top, so maybe this will all work out in the long run. Whatever happens, however, we continue to say this is going to be one of the most interesting things to watch while it lasts.

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WATCH: LaVar Ball Not Worried About Lithuanian Language Barrier
WATCH: LaVar Ball Not Worried About Lithuanian Language Barrier