College Basketball Coach Fired For Alleged Racist Comments

A college basketball coach is in hot water after allegedly making racist comments. According to reports, Division III Brandeis University has fired its men’s basketball coach, Brian Meehan, for his alleged comments which were directed at African-American players on the team.
Meehan was the winningest coach in school history and led the program to two Elite Eight finishes.
From Deadspin:

“In two instances during the 2018 season—after Brandeis HR completed its investigation into Meehan—Meehan allegedly told a first-year player on on the team who hailed from Africa, “If you ever talk to me like that again, I’ll ship you back to Africa.” Later, during a practice session, Meehan, looking for a place to sit down for a moment, saw the same player and commented “Oh, I don’t want to sit next to him because I’ll get Ebola.”

The alleged racism from Meehan seems to have impacted the program’s ability to attract and retain African-American players.

This difficulty retaining black players seems to extend even farther back than the four-year window (2013 to 2017) examined in the HR notes. Since 2011, the Judges have had 20 black players on their roster—in that time, exactly three of the 20 played on the team for the full four years. The rest either quit or were cut by Meehan. Excluding the two players who joined the team during this past season, the average number of seasons black players play for Brandeis is 2.22.
According to the same roster archives, white players have had better luck sticking with the program—since 2011, eight of the 24 white players that have been on the team completed four or five years with the team. Excluding the players on this year’s team, the average number of seasons white players play for Brandeis is 2.9.

Brandeis has been in a slump for the past few seasons, but they will now completely reboot after the firing of their longtime head coach.

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