When one hears the word “sports” they usually think of a ball, some sort of strenuous activity, and a goal. But when it comes to Esports, that’s quite the opposite. Esports is typically a multiplayer video game played competitively for spectators. But some people don’t think it’s appropriate to add the word “sports” to this name. One would be a German politician and State Minister of the Interior and for Sports named Hesse Peter Beuth.
According to the Spiel Times, Beuth made it his goal to exterminate the term Esports because it has nothing to do with real sports. in a statement, he said ““Esports have nothing to do with sports. We need to exterminate that term. I’m not sure yet how moving the thumb and forefinger is supposed to be a sport, even if there’s something moving on the screen.”
#Innenminister @GeorgMaier8 traf sich gestern mit seinem hessischen Amtskollegen @peterbeuth in Wiesbaden zum gemeinsamen Erfahrungsaustausch über Polizei, Feuerwehr und innere Sicherheit im Vorfeld der kommenden Innenministerkonferenz vom 6. bis 8. Juni in #Quedlinburg pic.twitter.com/auYXxMb0Cd
— TMIK (@TMIKThueringen) May 31, 2018
This statement was made in Germany when a coalition had plans in acknowledging Esports in the union that will allow gamers and gaming organizations to benefit certain association rights such as benefits recognizable by the German law.
But Beuth thinks that this plan is completely “catastrophic” and that it should not be followed. “This congress is about education and health. We want to get the kids into the gym and into the field”, the German politician said. “Gaming has its value. But it does not belong in a sports organization as such because it adorns itself with a title whose values I miss there.”
What do you guys think? With many things in the world becoming digitized, why shouldn’t sports be one?
For one thing, Esports is a growing field and many companies around the world are investing heavily into it. Whether Germany is looking to be one of them is still something they need to work out within.